Change Your Message and QR Code Landing Page Without Changing Your QR Code

 In Education, Features

Change is good. The right kind of change, that is. When it comes to QR codes, the ability to instantly modify the marketing message and QR code landing page behind a code is what makes this tiny square the ultimate reusable business tool.

With most folks on the go nowadays, it’s more important than ever to be able reach and engage this valuable segment of a target audience – the mobile segment. As one of today’s hottest web trends, QR codes, or “Quick Response” barcodes, provide a flexibility of use that is a highly important factor in the overall success of any mobile marketing plan.

Whether you’re launching a multi-media campaign or simply wanting to sell your car, a QR code can quickly deliver a wealth of information. With one scan with a smartphone or other mobile device, customers and prospects can be directed to a QR Code landing page designed specifically for them.

Incredibly flexible, QR codes can be physically placed on just about anything anywhere. Even greater than that, the customized content of the websites, landing pages, promotional offers, etc. to which visitors are directed can be changed without having to change the QR code itself.

For example, your band places a QR code on its concert t-shirts. This cool little matrix allows you to continue to reach fans long after the sale, and for the entire life of the shirt! Everywhere a band shirt goes, so does your marketing message.

While band fans can enjoy the occasional thrill of scanning their shirt for more news and updates, they also serve as long-term, wash-and-wear ambassadors of your brand. Since QR codes can be scanned from a distance, anyone with a mobile device can receive your marketing message. The ROI is exponential.

No matter where you place a code, the corresponding marketing message can (and should) be regularly updated. By generating, tracking and analyzing code data, you can immediately amend content for maximum effectiveness. Calls-to-action can be restructured, pricing information can be adjusted, and so much more. QR codes do not lend themselves to the built-in obsolescence of countless other business tools. This aspect alone makes them a marketing mix “must-have.”

The very nature of the QR code is to reach and share messages with the mobile masses. Repurposing a code is just plain savvy. After all, why go back to square one every time you have something new to say about your product or service?

At, we embrace change. We invite you to enjoy the flexibility that QR codes bring to mobile marketing, and relish in your ability to modify customized content without changing your QR code.

Get started today with your first QR code, absolutely FREE and with unlimited scans. No experience required. Also, check out our new Affiliate Program offering 25 percent commission on referrals. You’ll be glad you did!

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